Thursday, August 30, 2007

Final Reminder

This is the final reminder, the Detroit Free Press offer of a free session and one 8x10 ends on September 1, 2007. You must call and schedule your appointment before then to receive this incredible offer! You can call 586-855-6549 to schedule your custom portrait session.
Jamie Fodale

*The email link on my website is not working, if you would like to email me, you can reach me at


Anonymous said...

I tried using your contact form and emailing you directly. Your contact form gives no indication if the message was successfully sent. I got a failure notice for my email to you.

Jf said...

I'm so sorry about that. The link on my website is not working. I'm having a new site being built.
My email address is Sorry again and I look forward to speaking with you.
Jamie Fodale