My editing program had to be removed from my computer and reinstalled and it took a few days to get it up and running correctly. So I was unable to work. I do need to catch up on my processing and posting images here. Lots of thing coming up...
I had the privilege of photographing a family day at Selfridge a couple of weeks ago. It was super cold, raining and windy, but they had tons of fun activities for the kids. I will be posting several images from this day.
I have a sneak peek for a senior almost ready to be posted.
An Open House for the new studio will be September 20. Formal invites will be sent to all previous clients. There will be lots of great prizes, photo give aways, food and tons of fun for the kids. Keep the date free and bring a friend to receive a special gift. I look forward to seeing you there!
One final note, I know it may seem early, but it's not! If you would like a holiday session schedule it
NOW! The cut off for ordering is December 1. Your session needs to be
at least 2 weeks prior. Weekends are filling up fast.
Take care and enjoy the last few weeks of summer.