It has been a ridiculous long time since I've updated my blog. I promise I will never let it go this long again!
Tons of changes are happening. We have moved our studio from the very cold space without heat to a wonderful location at 28063 Gratiot in Roseville. I am planning a Grand Opening Party, however we have a few last things to finish before the party date can be set.
I am joining forces with Greg Croft from Croft and Campbell Photography. We are creating two separate companies. One will be dedicated to wedding photography and the other to boudoir photography. The new web sites and blogs are not fully operational, when they do become functioning, you will be the first to find out. Jamie Fodale Photography will still be what it is today. I am just taking advantage of the opportunities I have been given. Greg is a great asset to me and I hope I am to him as well.
I only have a billion photos to upload. I will be having a serious catch up with my blog tonight and all of next week. Until then...
Take care,