Hello everyone! I'm Jamie from Jamie Fodale Photography and he's Greg from Croft and Campbell Photography.
We've decide to join forces and start photographing weddings together.
We will specialize in couture wedding and event photography.
Yes, it’s true…
To my wonderful clients at Jamie Fodale Photography, whom can't believe this to be true and to whom I've turned down and referred to other wedding photographers, because “I don't do weddings.” I've always said there are a few main reasons for that decision. First it is imperative that you have a great partner, assistant, second shooter and just someone you can truly rely on. I did not have that until now. Second it is a MUST to have 2 of everything. Set of hands, equipment, brains... I did not have that until now either. Third is the sheer amount of work that goes into a wedding venture. I could not handle the shooting, editing, marketing, meeting clients, taking orders, delivering, ect all by myself. Now I have it all!
It’s not good bye, it’s see ya later…
Hello! Greg here. Croft and Campbell Photography was a partnership with my cousin Jennifer. While Jennifer and I made a fantastic team, it was recently discovered that Jennifer is expecting her first child this summer. I know this wasn’t an easy decision for her, but after much thought and deliberation, she has decided to become a stay at home mom and spend time taking care of herself and her new baby. Jamie and I both wish Jennifer and her husband Rob nothing but the best.
Truth be told, I wholeheartedly agree with Jamie. The style and quality of art work I deliver to you, simply could not be done alone.
What the future holds…
We are very excited about the future of the wedding department at Jamie Fodale Photography. We have major news happening in the near future and will share it here first.
Greg and I have worked together for years. We find strengths in each other that we do not possess within ourselves. We are individuals with a common vision.
What that means for you is one rocking team to create an even better wedding day than you could have imagined! I'm serious!
You should enjoy the day and of course the party you've spent so much time planning. You should barely know we are there. If you are all about fun, unique, romantic, beautiful art work you won't be disappointed.
You've stood up in a wedding where the photographers took FOREVER to get all of the formal poses out of the way. Believe me, that will not happen. It's our least favorite part of the day too! You want to have fun? We do to! And we want to photograph you having fun – that's the fun part for us.
Jamie & Greg
Originally posted Jan. 7, 2010