My son's birthdays are only 6 weeks apart. We usually do something small with Tony and my parents and our siblings on their birthdays. We split the difference between the 6 weeks and let them have a big friend party. We've tried it all. We've had bowling parties, magician, the bounce house and we've even had a photo party at the studio. (More coming about those soon.) This year our house is big enough to have their party here. We decided that's what we'll do. Tony and I are still in contact with all of our friends from high school and they have children our boys ages. Our children are great friends. It's so nice to see them grow up together. Then they invited a few friends from their old school and of course a few boys from their new school. There were about 30 boys.
I know... I know... This is where it gets a little crazy.
We had an obstacle course planned for their Army party. It rained the entire day before and I didn't want parents to be upset with me if their kids clothes were ruined. We decided not to do the course outside and set part of it up in the house. Which turned bad fast. The party was only 3 hours long (for the school friends). I'm really not doing a very good job at describing how bad it was. The school friends were so rowdy and so many of my boys toys were broken that they actually said, "That party was too crazy and we NEVER want a party like that again!" Coming from a 7 & 9 yr old. Maybe you get the picture a little now?
After most of the craziness was over and our friends boys were left, they played a game of good old tackle football.
Well I guess next year it will only be one or two friends from school and just Tony and my friend's kids. Which is totally fine with us! Here are a few images of the boys and the second generation of friends.