Jamie Fodale Photography is happy to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas with our photography family. If we have spent time together, talked on the phone, had a session - you are part of the family! Each day you will find a different offer posted here. To take advantage of the offer, you need to call 586-855-6549 or email jfodale@comcast.net before 5pm Eastern the day the special is posted. Lots of goodies will be offered. Just because we didn't answer, don't hang up! Leave a message with your name and phone number and you will be called back. Merry Christmas!
I've had lots of calls asking if you can share these specials with friends who have not yet had a session with Jamie Fodale Photography. Of course you can!
For some reason the offer for the 18 posted as the 17th. In case of any confusion, you can use this offer until midnight on Thursday, December 20, 2007. Don't forget, if we do not answer, don't hang up! Leave a message and we will be sure to return your call.
Call today to receive your custom 5x10 story board for 50% off! For just $30 you can receive up to three images from any one session in 2007 or 2008! Call before 5pm today at 586-855-6549. It is a great size for your desk, table top or a gift and no frame needed! Just a simple plate stand you can get from any home goods store.
As for today's offer, if you call before midnight December 20, 2007, you will receive a 12 month desk calendar with an image from our 2007 session!
Call now at 586-855-6549 to take advantage of one or BOTH of these great offers!
Merry Christmas!
Jamie Fodale
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