I haven't been updating my blog or completing my web site as promptly as I would have like. At the end of the year I was feeling awful. I was tiered, forgetful and loosing my hair, almost 1/2 of my hair to be exact. I went to the Dr. and had some tests done. I found out my iron levels were really low and should be corrected by taking vitamins a couple times a day. No big deal. It may take up to 3 months to feel completely normal, but at least there was an end in sight.
A few weeks later Anthony had a sinus infection that just wouldn't go away. I took him to the Dr and he was prescribed an antibiotic. Before his sinus infection was gone Vinny came down with the same thing. I took him to the Dr. to get medicine so he could feel better too. Before Vinny was over the sinus infection Anthony had a stomach flu. It was typical and messy. He missed school for a week and is still trying to catch up on sleep and getting his appetite up to normal. Before Anthony was feeling well, Vinny came down with the same stomach flu. I just thought here we go again. Vinny's flu was vicious. He couldn't keep anything down not even a sip of water. He was sick for more than 36 straight hours. Not to be too graphic but he must have thrown up over 30 times. He looked weak and I was worried. I took him back to the Dr. and as soon as she saw him, she said he needed to be admitted to the hospital. My heart sank. I have only been a patient at the hospital twice. Both were because I was giving birth. I was scared as I'm sure any parent would be. Anyway, Tony and I took him to
St. John Hospital. The
Pediatric Nurses were AWESOME. The first nurse who saw us said, I know it's scary, but you won't believe how he'll bounce back in the next few hours and you will be out of here in the morning. Well, that sounded like a perfect plan to me. Did I mention this was on Friday the 13 and my husband is superstitious? To make a long story short 4 days after our arrival we were finally released. Additional test were performed on Vinny and we still don't have all of the results. He was feeling better and that's the most important part to me. I could careless what the virus was called maybe I'm being naive. The following day after returning home, Vinny developed a rash over his entire body. I called the Dr and once again they wanted to see him. She said she couldn't be 100% sure, however she thought he was allergic to the Penicillin he was given for the sinus infection. Great! She sent us home with instructions for Benadryl for the next 24 hours. If he develops any other scary symptoms take him directly to the hospital. Um, OK, thanks!?!
So here I sit at 4 am writing this entry for a few reasons. First I can't sleep. The vitamins maybe kicking in. And I'm just waiting and watching for Vinny to develop new crazy side affects. Second because I know I have really been slacking and I didn't want you (you know who you are) to think I had forgotten about you. I know I owe sneak peeks, emails, phone calls, orders, ect to. I am sorry. I love my business and I love what I do, however my boys have to come first. Any other way and I couldn't live with myself nor should you want me as your photographer. If I can't care for my own family, how would I treat yours? I do appreciate everyone who has given well wishes and prayers. I'm not writing this to make excuses or looking for pity. I just feel the families I have photographed have become part of my family and I wanted to update you on the important events that have happened in my life. Next my new web site is coming. I promise. It's been in the works for way too long and I have been working on it. I've just had a few other things come up;) There are some really fun and exciting things happening at Jamie Fodale Photography. It's too soon to share them all, but announcements are coming. Check out the new look of Jamie Fodale Photography by clicking
here and let me know what you think.
If you've made it this far, thank you and I am very sorry. This has been a tough beginning to 2009, however it can only get better. Take care and you'll be hearing from me more often!