I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much! I've been busy pretty busy!
I just wanted to give out two reminders...
First, Christmas is coming fast! I know you don't want to hear it and you can't believe the stores already have trees out. The session cutoff date is November 25. That is only 2 months - a little over 8 weeks! This is an extremely busy time of year, not only for me, but also photo labs, shipping and packaging companies too. Call now to schedule your appointment at 586-855-6549.
*If you want Christmas cards, I would suggest your appointment be held by the second week in November so you will have a little time to get them in your hands and addressed and mailed before Christmas.
Second, I wanted to remind everyone about my referral program. If you recommend someone to me and they schedule a session, you receive a thank you from me. The new client does need to mention you referred them and you will each receive a free session. Two referrals will get you a free session and an 8x10. Four referrals you will receive a free session and a 16x20. Ten referrals and you will receive a complimentary session and a GORGEOUS 16x20 canvas!
1 referral - Complimentary Session($100 value)
2 referrals - Free Session & 8x10($140 value)
4 referrals - Free Session & 16x20($295 value)
10 referrals - Free Session & 16x20 CANVAS ($440 value)
This is my way of thanking you. I really appreciate when you talk about your experiences with Jamie Fodale Photography to your friends, family and coworkers. Word of mouth is the best advertising for any company and I thank you for all or your support.