I love to be involved in my comunity. When I was asked to photograph the homecoming of 100 Marines, how could I pass? The orginazers of the homecoming event were seeking donations from all over the Metro Detroit area. It was the perfect opportunity to get involved. I donated my time and talent and I will also give each of the service members a cd of the images I captured. I have recently applied to help the chairty www.oplove.org. They are a fantastic organization for service members being deployed. This event was along the lines of Operation Love but, on a much bigger scale; usually I would only be photographing 1 family, not 100. The day was perfect, the anticipation, the excitment and of course the reunion of families. It was such a treat. Here are only a handful of images I have completed.
I must say a big thank you to my sister Amanda, without her, I would have been lost and she captured some pretty great images herself! Thank you sis!