I love photography, always have, always will. I read tons of information, work with other photographers, try new techniques, view a variety of artists work, schedule fun/creative sessions and I just really want to create the best art I can. Life is art and I want to capture it. For me the more I read, learn, practice and have my camera in my hand, the better I'll be.
I know I can't follow you around everywhere with my camera and my knowledge, but I do want to help you take better photos of your everyday life. Here are a few simple steps in helping you do that.
1. Yes I do own a nice camera, but it doesn't take the photo by itself. It needs me!
You don't have to spend $XXX on a new camera to get a nice photo. Use what you have, follow these steps and I promise your images will start looking better. No fancy camera needed!
2. Try to clear clutter out of the frame of your image.
Take a look around my house on a regular basis and of course there will be toys laying here or the quilt my boys dragged off of their bed for the 7th time there.
If you are trying to capture the moment - it's perfect! Capture the moment!
If you are trying a more posed photo use a plain sheet, or a painted wall, a headboard or the back of your sofa. Pull your sofa away from the wall, have the child sit in front of the back of the sofa and start snapping!
3. Don't be afraid.
If you are using digital, snap away! You don't have to print every image. Try creative angles, fun poses and let your child have a little say. If they feel involved, you're more likely to get better results. If he wants you to take a photo of him making a funny face - TAKE ONE! Show him and now it's back to your turn of "picking" a pose. If your daughter wants her favorite teddy bear in the photo, let her! She will be more cooperative and one day she will not have the bear, but will look back at that photo and smile.
4. Not every picture is perfect.
It's ok if it didn't turn out just how you in visioned. You can save photos that are not perfect. Just think of the photos you have of your childhood. Don't you like seeing your favorite toy on the ground or how big your sibling was compared to you or the hair cut you had to have after you tried to do it yourself? Our children grow up way too fast. These moments are fleeting. Capture them!
5. Last, but not least... HAVE FUN!
If your child is not in the mood, don't try to force it. Give them a 20 minute break or try a compromise. Let them select a favorite accessory or even a dress up outfit. Treats work too! You just never know when you're going to get your all time favorite photo.
Well that is the end of the first lesson. I hope to post new tips and tricks like this at least once a month. Please let me know what you thought was helpful and also what wasn't so helpful. If you are interested in learning something in particular, please let me know that too.
Enjoy and Happy Snapping!